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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good Recipe for Lemon and Blueberry Loaf

It’s blueberry season in my neck of the woods. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love these versatile, nutritious, low calorie and delicious fruits. Some people call them nature’s candy.


Not only are blueberries wonderful eaten raw, they are wonderful when added to breads, cakes, loaves and muffins.


Here is a particularly tasty recipe for Lemon and Blueberry Loaf


This recipe is for a quick bread. You can probably have it sliced and on the table in an hour.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Good Recipe for Cheddar Quick Bread

This recipe for Cheddar Quick Bread is a fast and easy loaf to bake when you want something home made and don’t have time to fuss. It’s lovely when you use a sharp Cheddar cheese. Serve it as it is, or with butter, or even with a slice of your favourite cheese.